Permaculture Teachers

At the European Permaculture Network, we host a growing directory of dedicated permaculture teachers from across Europe. Below, you'll find a list of educators who are passionate about sharing sustainable practices and empowering communities.

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What the teacher teaches
Has the DAPD
Is available as Diploma tutor
From: PRIZIAC, France

As a permaculture educator with 12 years of hands-on experience, I've dedicated myself to sharing the wisdom and practices of sustainable living.…

From: Wels, Austria

We, the Permaculture Center - Austrian Forest Garden Institute have one of the oldest edible forest gardens in Central Europe and cultivate a…

From: Zagreb, Croatia

Teaching social and economic aspects of permaculture at Permaculture Design Certificate courses in Croatian and English. Supporting teams and…

From: Laitikkala, Finland

I'm the author of the Digital Permaculture book -…

From: VOJNIĆ, Croatia

I live with my family on a 12 hectare homestead in the heart of Croatia. My vision is to live a simple, healthy, happy life in nature, with like…

From: Leintwardine, United Kingdom

I have been a permaculture practitioner, teacher, mentor, consultant and researcher since 1997. I specialise in ecological resotration of…

From: Dresden, Germany

I am a fashion designer (M.A.) and during my studies I took a critical look at the consumption and production of fashion. During this phase of…

From: Saint-Parthem, France

Permaculture Designer and Consultant, based in the South of France and working internationally. I've designed for clients in over 7 countries, and…

From: Posaga, Romania

Since my first PDC in 2021 the permaculture-bug got to me and didnt let me go. I call myself a permaculture-enthusiast, and love practicing…

From: Knjaževac, Serbia

I am a permaculture teacher and practitioner with a background in education, youth work, and community development. I completed my Permaculture…

Passionate permaculture practitioner since 2010, and holder of a permaculture diploma. I founded and manage

From: Susak / Mali Lošinj, Croatia

Like many ordinary people, Danijel has lived numerous stories within one lifetime, believing each to be the "right" one at the time.  His…

From: Sokobanja, Serbia

I finished PDC in 2016, since then I have been practicing permaculture as a way of life. Since 2022, I have been living with my partner Aleksandar…

From: Split, Croatia

Philosopher, Sociologist, Olive Grower, Educator.

President of the Permakultura Dalmacija association based in Split.

I have been…

From: Latinovac, Croatia

As a greenhorn, during my college years, ideas of civil activism and anarchism were appealing to me, as were ideas of self-reliance…

From: Tomar, Portugal

Permaculture practitioner, action researcher, teacher, diploma tutor and co-steward of a 1.5 hectare rural smallholding in central Portugal.

Certified Permaculture Educator and former Diploma Tutor, working with the Permaculture of Britain on a self-employed and part-time basis. Working…

I am a teacher of Croatian and Hungarian languages, as well as a preschool educator. Recently, I have been exploring garden-based education for…

From: Budapest, Hungary

I work as a permaculture designer, contractor and teacher. My main focus is on urban permaculture. 

From: Ludlow, United Kingdom

Permaculture Trainer and Designer since 1989

Permaculture Diploma in Applied Design (Australia)

Member Permaculture Association…

From: Lanjaron, Spain

Aimee is a Permaculture teacher, holding a Permaculture Design Certificate from the Permaculture Association Britain, taught by Aranya and Klaudia…

From: Herefordshire, United Kingdom

I have been teaching permaculture for over 20 years. I am author of People & Permaculture, 7 Ways to Think Differently,  Cultural…

Permaculture education and inspiration in the Netherlands

Owner of Carpe Vitam a 7.5 ACRE permaculture garden and foodforest with horses (…

From: San Martin de Montalban, Spain

Welcome to The Springs Homestead —Nature and Nurture in Harmony

Located in the heart of the Spanish countryside, our farm…

From: Laitikkala, Finland

Hello! My "thing" is gardening, building a functional homestead and creating a diverse natural paradise for people, plants and animals.…

İstanbul Permakültür Kolektifi is located in Turkey.
Permaculture design, education, organising events about permaculture are main…

From: Tordera, Spain

My passion for permaculture started in 2011, when I got on a roller coaster of courses after learning about the concept at the Gaia Education…

From: Crediton, United Kingdom

I am a medical herbalist, grower and researcher. Previously, I managed the professional programme for clinical herbal practitioners at Middlesex…

One of my lines of work with the association I'm part of is promoting permaculture on the Canary Islands, specially Gran Canaria. Our website…

I use permaculture to understand our world, to make decisions and to be a steward of land and soil. I am from a farmers family and now working…

From: Nethen, Belgium

Designer and facilitator (PDC). / www.grainesdevie…

From: Terény, Hungary
From: Leeds, United Kingdom

I am a long term organiser within permaculture networks, leading the Permaculture Association since 1999 and helping with a range of European…

From: Selva, Mallorca, Spain

Active passionet permaculture practice, demo sites, teaching, design, networks, and support (

Environmental ecologist (Wells…

Daniel is an educator, agroecologist, philosopher and artist, spending his lifetime trying to deeply live the paradoxes of values, beliefs,…

From: Cadarcet, France

Permaculture designer, tutor and teacher. currently building up a new collectif site for a (better) life in the wild countryside of Ariège/French…

From: VUKOMERIĆ, Croatia

The initiator and manager of the Vukomerić Recycled Estate and one of the founders of ZMAG. For the last 20 years, he has been researching,…

From: IZMIR, Turkey

Dr. Murat Onuk was born in Seydişehir, Konya, Turkey in 1969. He completed his primary, secondary and high school education in Iskenderun, Kayseri…

From: Zhelen, Bulgaria

see Vegetarium.

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