
The PermaTalks, originally "PermaPuheet" (Finnish term for "permatalks,") is a permaculture online lecture series which runs in Finland since 2020 - every year in the beginning of the year - one lecture a week - usually every Thursday at 18:30 CET. 

Teachers introduce one topic of their choice and teach for 30 to 90 minutes. At the end of the sessions there is usually a Q&A. After the lecture and Q&A has finished there is an Open Space for about 30 minutes

You can brows all the teachers and lectures at and watch most of the lectures. 

PermaPuheet - the PermaTalks

General direction

In the beginning the PermaPuheet was designed as a way to get members for the Finnish Permaculture Association. Hence it was designed with people in mind who are new to permaculture. 

Over the years we more and more introduced topics from the edge of permaculture, making it more interesting for the teachers to participate as well. Instead of teaching people new to permaculture the teachers are teaching their colleagues and fellow teachers - and the participants. 

It is still the ideal entry point into permaculture as there is no other series that gives a broad overview of what a permaculture world could look like. 

Co-creation with the EuPN

From 2024 on the PermaTalks were held together with the EuPN. 

Since membership at the EuPN is for free the PermaTalks are thought as a fundraiser in order to pay for our digital infrastructure.

PermaTalks 2026

The PermaTalks Vol. 6 will start in January 2026. 

You can already submit your lecture below. 

How long would you like the presentation to be (in minutes). Maximum length is 60 minutes + 15 minutes Q&A.
Who are you? Describe yourself!
Portrait of you which we can use to share the lecture on our websites and different channels.
One file only.
32 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
Your website, Facebook, Instagram, ...
I herby allow the EuPN to record my lecture and share it on the EuPN platform via Youtube.
The EuPN gets the rights to publish the information provided on this form on its website and channels.