Nenad Maljković

📚 Books added: 0
📍 Projects connected: 3
👥 Events referenced in: 6
Teaching social and economic aspects of permaculture at Permaculture Design Certificate courses in Croatian and English. Supporting teams and larger groups in turning their remote or hybrid collaboration into an effective, efficient and enjoyable experience.
I love to convene and facilitate learning experiences and network-weaving events, in person, hybrid or online. Two in-person examples: Permaculture Teacher Training in Zagreb, 2015 (3-min. video) and Croatian Permaculture Convergence in Križevci, 2023 (3-min. video).
Currently I’m in my sixties. With a lived experience of a societal and economic collapse before and during wars in former Yugoslavia, I want to support adults younger than me in deeply adapting to current and future polycrisis on their local, translocal and global levels of scale.
More information at my Deep Adaptation guide profile and at Greaterthan Collective coaching page.
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