Murat Onuk

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Dr. Murat Onuk was born in Seydişehir, Konya, Turkey in 1969. He completed his primary, secondary and high school education in Iskenderun, Kayseri, Ankara and Izmir. He is one of the first graduates of Izmir Science High School. After receiving his Bachelor of Science degrees from Boğaziçi University, Istanbul in 1991, double majoring in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Physics, he attended Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in NY, USA for his Master of Engineering degree in Electric Power Engineering.
Upon returning to Turkey in 1992, Dr. Onuk started working for Siemens Turkey as a Sales Engineer. His career at Siemens lasted for 15 years, holding several positions including Sales and Project Manager in Industrial Services Department; Marketing, Sales and Project Manager in Power Transmission and Distribution Department; Division Manager in Power Generation Department and finally Director in Customer Interaction Management/e-Business Department reporting directly to the general manager. While working in Siemens, Dr. Onuk received his Master of Business Administration degree from Koç University in 1998, being the Valedictorian of Class ’98, with a GPA of 4.00/4.00.
After leaving Siemens in 2007, Dr. Onuk was appointed as the first General Manager of Vestas Turkey, subsidiary of Vestas Wind Systems Denmark, where he realized the establishment of the local organization. Dr. Onuk worked in Vestas Turkey between 2007 and 2008 and created an organization which became a leading company in Turkish wind energy market.
Between February 2009 - December 2010, he worked as the President of Ağaoğlu Energy Group, managing an investment budget of 1 billion USD and 13 independent project companies with a portfolio of 700 MW total generation capacity of wind and hydro power plants, out of which 126 MW became operational.
Dr. Onuk completed his PhD degree started in 2004 in Business Administration, Management and Organization track, from Yeditepe University in December 2009 with high honor degree. The subject of his dissertation thesis was “Effects of Economic Crisis on the Distribution of Corporate Decision-Making Authority.”
Between September 2011 - October 2013, Dr. Onuk worked in ÅF Consult – ÅF Mercados EMI (Now ÅF Pry), a Swedish based international technical consultancy and engineering company in energy and environment, being the Manager of Istanbul Office, which is established by him.
Between January 2016 – February 2020, Dr. Onuk worked as an Assistant Professor at Business Administration Department of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Yeditepe University. Being a member of Management and Organization major, Dr. Onuk lectures Introduction to Business, Organization Theory and Design, Change Management, Conflict Management, Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship, Corporate Governance courses at undergraduate level; Business Policy & Strategic Management, Strategy Simulation, Corporate Governance, International Business, Energy Markets and Trade, and Energy Management courses at graduate (MBA) level.
Dr. Onuk established his company Incione Engineering, Consultancy, Coaching and Training Services in January 2016 ( Since June 2019 Incione Engineering and Consultancy is acting as the authorized sales representative of Saft Batteries Industrial Standby Division dealing with the sales of Nickel Cadmium and Li-Ion stationary batteries.
In addition to his academic career, Dr. Onuk also works as a freelance senior consultant for renewable power generation, conventional (thermal and hydro) power generation, power transmission and distribution, corporate management and organization. Dr. Onuk is also a management, team and holistic life coach, a Classic Raja Yoga instructor, and a Permaculture (an ethics based holistic design science for the design of sustainable human settlements) designer, consultant and instructor.
With the brand ‘Dr. Permaculture’ that he created (, Dr. Onuk started to give 72-hours long Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) courses beginning June 2020. By the end of May 2023, he completed his 19th course with 378 graduates who received internationally accepted Permaculture Designer Certificate. Having the right of using ‘Permaculture – a word created by Bill Mollison, founder of Permaculture, and limited for commercial use only by PDC owners’, graduates are authorized to exercise one of the most important profession of the new world being Permaculture designer, consultant or instructor. Dr. Onuk received his PDC in July 2011 and completed a 10-weeks Internship program at Permaculture Research Institute Australia between January – March 2014 under the tutorship of Geoff Lawton, world’s well-known Permaculture pioneer.
Dr. Onuk is a member of Turkish Renewable Energy Association (Eurosolar Turkey) since 2005 and between 2016-2017 he acted as the General Secretary of the Association. He is founding member of Board of Trustees of Siddashram Yoga and Spiritual Disciplines Foundation, and member of various organizations like Chamber of Electrical Engineers, Turkish Wind Energy Association, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Alumni, Boğaziçi University Alumni, Koç University Alumni, Izmir Science High School Alumni, Society to Support Modern Life, Buğday Society to Support Ecological Life, Green Peace, Permaculture Designers’ Association of Turkey, Institute of Coaching and Mentoring of Turkey, and Central Knowledge Field Foundation. Dr. Onuk is a member of the Advisory Board and Board of Trustees of PermaTurk Foundation (Turkish Permaculture Foundation - and a founding member and a member of Controlling Board of PERTAD, Permaculture Designer's Association of Turkiye (
As hobbies, Dr. Onuk plays classical and pop guitar. He is an amateur certified sailor, and 3* CMAS SCUBA diver. Between 1999 – 2020, he used to own a 5 da. vineyard in Hoskoy, Tekirdag where he was growing Shiraz grapes and making his own house wine under the label ‘MoN Wine’.
Dr. Onuk has twin daughters born in 2016. After living in Istanbul for almost 30 years, Dr. Onuk and his family moved to İzmir in the middle of November 2020.
Dr. Onuk’s detailed professional Curriculum Vitae can be accessed at