Andreas Pohl

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Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC)
Issuing entity
PermEco Inc
Teaching Permaculture Teachers (TPT)
Diploma in applied Permaculture Design

Responsible for


Intro to Permaculture (PIC)
Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC)
Specialised courses

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Since my first PDC in 2021 the permaculture-bug got to me and didnt let me go. I call myself a permaculture-enthusiast, and love practicing anything connected with it. Together with my wife Ioana and our little daughter, we live at the project site Dupa Gard in the Carpathian Mountains of Transylvania. Off-grid, community-sufficient, hand in hand with the magnificant natural surroundings.

Deep inside the Carpathian Mountains, down the Aries-Valley lies the small community of Posaga. Directly at the limits to the Belioara Natural Reservation, embeded in a landscape nearly untouched by human civilisation.

In this unique environment we started Dupa Gard (Romanian: behind the fence) in 2015. We have created an oasis of silence, to get back in touch to oneself and rooted to nature. A retreat from everyday stress, enchanted by pure air and natures scents, the peaceful freedom of the vast mountains, and our local delicacies. Also, be sure to visit our Permacuture garden, and find out about our sustainable/regenerative concept.

2022 we started hosting volunteers, 2023 the first permaculture events and workshops were initiated. Join us here, and learn how we combine local traditions with modern permaculture in order to live a happy, regenerative life. We are happy you have found us, and hope to meet you soon in Dupa Gard!

Upcoming courses / workshops

pic sicilyIntroduction to Permaculture Sicily - Andreas Pohl