Aline VaMo
📚 Books added: 0
📍 Projects connected: 4
👥 Events referenced in: 1
My passion for permaculture started in 2011, when I got on a roller coaster of courses after learning about the concept at the Gaia Education's EDE Ecological Dimension on Mallorca.
Quickly after I became a co-founder of, the not-for-profit association Permacultura Mediterránea, with base on Mallorca and a branch now in Catalunya, where I co-design trainings, workshops and talks, in person but also across borders, mostly online, for example with Permacultura Íbera and its Academy and in the Permaculture CoLab, amongst other collaborations and group work. I'm now even a Gaia Education facilitator for the Ecological Dimension and Design Studio myself!
I'm also a founding member of the workers cooperative La Casa Integral, which my partner and I started to offer professional permaculture design and implementation as well as course facilitation and access to a suburban demonstration site. We mainly work with waste waters and offer NBS (Nature Based Solutions) for the regenerating and reutilizing of both grey and black waters, to family homes, cohousing projects and hotels or campsites, in combination with intelligent plantations of context adapted vegetation.
My interests furthermore take me to studying New Economies, guiding hiking groups and caring for the Inner Landscape with all sorts of natural therapies, my favourite being the human touch and californian massage.