the EUPN PermaHub certification
Welcome to the European Permaculture Network’s (EuPN) Permahub Certification process. We understand the importance of recognizing and encouraging permaculture projects that have made significant strides in sustainability, community development, and ecological restoration. Therefore, EuPN is proud to introduce our certification process that aims to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of permaculture projects.

The PermaHub Certification is a great way to show everyone that you are serious about Permaculture - and that at your place people can experience Permaculture.
What is the EUPN PermaHub certification?
EuPN Permahub certification is a credential awarded to projects that have demonstrated a commitment to permaculture principles through their actions and contributions. This certification indicates that a project has met specific criteria including hosting events, and maintaining an active profile.
Eligibility criteria
To be eligible for the EuPN Permahub Certification the following points are necessary:
- Have an account at this website.
- Have a project with all the required fields filled in.
- Have at least 2 events per year associated with the project (either within the past 12 months or within the current calendar year).
- Have an associated user in your project with the “PDC” field ticked in their profile.

The certification process
Step 1: Create a Profile
Create an account on the EUPN website and fill in the required fields in your profile. Tick the PDC field.
Step 2. Create a project
Make sure to create a project page and reference your user profile → teacher / owner
Step 3: Host Events
Host at least 2 events per year and create event pages for them on the EuPN website. Make sure to reference your project page in the events.
Step 4: Eligibility check
Our system will once a month automatically review your project. If it meets all the criteria your project will be marked in the system as eligible.
Step 5: Peer review
The peer review is currently in the development stage. It is a 15 minutes check up where we listen to your journey and ask questions.
What’s Next?
Once certified, your project will receive recognition across the EuPN platform. This certification is not only a badge of honor but a responsibility to continue to uphold the permaculture ethics and principles.
We encourage you to continue engaging with the community, sharing your knowledge, and contributing to the permaculture movement.
The EuPN PermaHub is part of our assurance program.