Nataša Vukićević

Profile picture for user ra.citluk22


Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC)
Teaching Permaculture Teachers (TPT)
Diploma in applied Permaculture Design

Responsible for


Intro to Permaculture (PIC)

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I finished PDC in 2016, since then I have been practicing permaculture as a way of life. Since 2022, I have been living with my partner Aleksandar Todorović on a property near Sokobanja in Eastern Serbia, where we are renovating a neglected property using permaculture principles. I work with a team of people to promote permaculture in Serbia, because it is still not well known in our country. Since this year, I am also a member of the platform. Since moving to the estate, we have been organizing permaculture camp workshops every year. You can see more about it on our social networks

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Previous courses / workshops with Nataša Vukićević

Winter school of permacultureZimska škola permakulture -