
New Documentary Sheds Light on Innovative DIY Biogas Solutions: Holy Shit - a journey into DIY biogas

Holy Shit - a Journey into DIY biogas poster full
Holy Shit - a Journey into DIY biogas poster full

Laitikkala March 2023 – A captivating documentary exploring the world of DIY biogas solutions, featuring the Solar C³ITIES biogas team, has been released on YouTube for free. Filmmakers Lumia and Dominik journeyed to New York and Pennsylvania in 2016 to capture the essence of the team's groundbreaking work at their homesteads and farms.

Introducing Teacher Profiles at the EuPN: Connect, Share, and Learn!

Teacher Profiles at the EuPN
Teacher Profiles at the EuPN

Over some month we have been testing a new feature which we are happy to announce today: Teacher Profiles! This addition aims to foster connections, encourage collaboration, and promote the sharing of knowledge among our members.

As a permaculture educator or aspiring teacher, you can now create your teacher profile at the EuPN, showcasing your experience, skills, and education background. This feature allows you to: