Perforum.info is a web-based communication platform used by permaculture community in Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro (and anyone else using common language(s).
It was founded in 2012 as a web forum. Over the years it registered more than 1,000 users who shared their experience and thoughts through 12,000 posts in 1,000 permaculture-related topics. In 2019 Perforum.info was converted into a web portal, allowing our practitioners to better express themselves. We are publishing stories, instructions, events announcements and much more. We have some 20 content creators who publish around 100 articles each year. Since then, Perforum.info successfully collaborated and practically merged with other communication channels that were maintained separately, now being strongly related to Croatian Permaculture Association. Under the same brand we are now developing or run channels on other social media.
We no longer consider Perforum.info as a "web forum" of "web portal", but rather quite unique project of interconnecting local permaculture and transition communities. We develop resources that our community needs. Each member of our community can participate in content creation, have influence in what we are developing and how we run some things.
Perforum.info is a common good of local permaculture community. Different people or teams voluntarily develop different resources or performing certain tasks. We fund ourselves through donations of our supporting members.