Courses & Events

At the Permaculture Network (EuPN), we offer a comprehensive list of permaculture and permaculture-related courses, workshops, and events happening throughout Europe. Those course are offered by our members.

You can search for various types of learning opportunities to suit your interests and experience level:

  • Intro to Permaculture: Start your journey with the fundamental principles and ethics of permaculture.
  • Permaculture Design Courses (PDC): Immerse yourself in an in-depth exploration of permaculture design methodologies and practical applications. Read an article about the PDC at
  • Specialized Courses: Expand your knowledge with advanced topics and niche workshops covering specific aspects of permaculture.

You can add your event / course. All you need in an account.

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Surprised owl in tree
Going beyond our human-built homes we find a greater home, that of all of nature and our ecological place within it.
group of women
Applewood Permaculture Centre, UK, Herefordshire, United Kingdom
Join Looby Macnamara and Emma Gorbutt, two of the co-authors of the Mothers As Natural Leaders  book, as they guide women through a nourishing reflective process, exploring what leade
students listening to Karen talking
Afrinoon Permaculture, PRIZIAC, France
Afrinoon Permaculture, PRIZIAC, France
Climate-Resilient Gardening with Permaculture – 2-Weekend Course 
Permaculture with the garden only as a metaphor
- how permaculture is so much more than gardening for hippies!
Applewood Permaculture Centre, UK, Herefordshire, United Kingdom
This course is a wonderful opportunity to explore your own personal culture while being immersed in a field of encouragement.
Applewood Permaculture Centre, UK, Herefordshire, United Kingdom
This module of the Cultural Emergence toolkit gives us the opportunity to deeply connect with ourselves, each other and the more than human world.
Design Camp design by participants
Beyond Buckthorns, Laitikkala, Finland
Come and design with us! On the 2nd and 3rd of August Lumia and Nick host a designCamp (what is a designCamp) at Beyond Buckthorns, our homestead in Pirkanmaa, Finland.

Why add your courses to the EuPN listings?

  • Connect with a Wide Audience: Share your courses with permaculture enthusiasts across Europe.
  • Showcase Your Expertise: Build your digital track record by featuring your courses on your profile.
  • Promote Permaculture: Contribute to the movement by educating and inspiring others.
  • Simple Submission: Adding your course is quick and free—all you need is an account.

👉1. Register now and 2. Add your event - it is as easy as that.