Courses & Events archive

The archive of past permaculture courses and events offered by our members. 

Permaculture Design Course (PDC) - Saturday -

For the first time, Anna's Tuin & Ruigte will host the internationally certified Permaculture Design Course (PDC).

Permaculture Design Course (PDC) - Friday -

For the first time, Anna's Tuin & Ruigte will host the internationally certified Permaculture Design Course (PDC).

Applewood Online Permaculture Design Course -

Led by Chris Evans of Applewood Permaculture Centre

with Tomas Remiarz and guests

Zimska škola permakulture -

Zimska škola permakulture osmišljena je da pruži osnove i prve smernice ka permakulturnim praksama u vašem životu.

Tečaj permakulturnog dizajniranja – Pula 2025. -

Nakon 11 godina ponovno ide tečaj permakulture u Puli! Organizatori tečaja: udruge Hrvatska permakulutra i Zelena Istra.

PermaTalks - Steven Hart - Global networks strengthen our dynamics - PermaTalks are back! Season 5 is full of inspiring talks & lectures 💚 The eighth and last session is by Steven Hart and his topic is Global networks strengthen our dynamics.
PermaTalks - Barbara Scheltus & Dominik Jais - Match & Hatch: Sharing Experiences with the Diploma - PermaTalks are back! Season 5 is full of inspiring talks & lectures 💚 The seventh session is a Match & Hatch session with Barbara Scheltus & Dominik Jais and the topic is Sharing Experiences with the Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design.
PermaTalks - Lumia Huhdanpää-Jais - Diploma Presentation - PermaTalks are back! Season 5 is full of inspiring talks & lectures 💚 The sixth session is something different: it's a Diploma Presentation of Lumia Huhdanpää-Jais, who is getting her Diploma in Applied Permaculture from the UK Permaculture Association.
PermaTalks - Tom Henfrey - Shamanism and Permaculture - PermaTalks are back! Season 5 is full of inspiring talks & lectures 💚 The fifth session is by Tom Henfrey and his topic is Shamanism and Permaculture: Foundations of a Sacred Political Ecology.
Introduction to Permaculture Sicily -

Join our Introduction to Permaculture in SICILY

PermaTalks - Calin Radulescu - Permaculture Design beyond the edges - PermaTalks are back! Season 5 is full of inspiring talks & lectures 💚 The fourth session is by Calin Radulescu and his topic is Permaculture Design beyond the edges.
PermaTalks - Anne Stobart - Designing with Medicinal Trees and Shrubs in the Forest Garden - PermaTalks are back! Season 5 is full of inspiring talks & lectures 💚 The third session is by Anne Stobart and her topic is Designing with Medicinal Trees and Shrubs in the Forest Garden.
Permaculture Design Course Portugal

eela Permaculture Farm’s Permaculture Design Course is officially accredited by the Permaculture Association.

PermaTalks - Alfred Decker - The Social Microclimate - PermaTalks are back! Season 5 is full of inspiring talks & lectures 💚 The second session is by Alfred Decker and his topic is The Social Microclimate.
Seedy Sunday Belper 2025 -

We will have seed from Earthed Up!’s growing, our own collections, and the Belper Permaculture Network seed library.

PermaTalks - Steve Read - Permaculture in France and the Francophone World - PermaTalks are back! Season 5 starts on January 23rd 💚 The season starts with Steve Read who will talk about Permaculture in France and the Francophone World.
Permaculture Design Course at Alfoxton Park

Join us for 4 weekends of immersive permaculture at a Buddhist retreat centre in Southwest England. You can look forward to

winter-gathering in the forestgarden / Northwest Germany -

We have a winter gathering from 10. to 18.12.’24. Everyone who already knows the project or wants to get to know it is invited.

Olive Tree Pruning Course -
PEACE - Peace, Empowerment And Cultural Emergence online course -

Join Looby Macnamara, Jon Young and Leona Johnson for this online international exploration, of the Nourish and Empower Phase of the Cultural Emergence toolkit.  Deeply connect with yourself,

Tečaj permakulturnog dizajniranja u Zagrebu -

Jesenski tečaj permakulture u Zagrebu suorganiziraju udruga Hrvatska permakultura i Centar za kulturu i informacije Maksimir (CKIM) uz potporu Grada Zagreba!

Tečaj permakulturnog dizajniranja (PDC) u Splitu / listopad-studeni 2024. -

Tečaj permakulture je i ove jeseni u Splitu!

Jesen je već 6. godinu zaredom vrijeme za organizaciju tečaja permakulturnog dizajniranja u Splitu.

abundance workshop propagation of edible plants for the community -

See for English below the dutch text:

Cours de Conception en Permaculture (CCP 2 x 6 jours) session 2 -

Ce Cours de Conception en Permaculture (CCP) est une formation complète pour démarrer dans l’univers de la permaculture.

Permaculture Design Course September 2024 -

We are excited to announce the tenth extended PERMACULTURE DESIGN COURSE (PDC) that will be hosted in Tinos Eco-lodge welcoming for the seventh time Peter Cow from England and assistant teachers&nb

Sustainable living and self-sufficiency -

In this week you will experience how it is to live a more sustainable and self-sufficient lifestyle. It's a life that embraces the principles of working with, rather than against nature.

Permakultur & Waldgarten-Intensivseminar im mehr als 30 Jahre alten essbaren Waldgarten -

Gerne möchten wir, der Verein „Österreichisches Waldgarten-Institut“ wieder die Tore im Rahmen eines Intensivseminars zu unserem Gelände öffnen um Interessierten das Thema Permakultur, speziell auc

Journée de rencontre du réseau Permanant - 4eme édition -

Retrouvons-nous le 28 septembre pour la 4ème Rencontre de l'Association belge francophone de permaculture.

Permaculture Design Course -

Our 14-day Permaculture Design Course at Keela Yoga Farm is certified by the internationally recognised Permaculture Association (UK).

3-Day Food Forest Workshop with Geoff Lawton -

Join Geoff and his team for a 3-day food forest workshop in Hungary! 

What are you going to learn?

In-Depth Mushroom Cultivation -

For us, the journey to growing mushrooms  began with a jar of honey , a syringe of mycelium , and a bit of determination.

Advanced Design Course -

Deepen your applied understanding of design frameworks, tools and principles from Cultural Emergence & Permaculture with a focus on the Design Web. Discover your inner designer. 

Profitable Food Cultivation Training -

Estonian Permaculture Association is happy to arrange enriching training led by profitable practitioner. 

This training day is for you if you want to learn: 

Cultural Emergence gathering -

This is a wonderful chance to gather in community before the end of the summer and celebrate our learning harvests of the year.

Forest Gardening Masterclass -

A repeat of last year's enormoulsly successful event, we will spend 3 days understanding how to work as nature, blending indigenous wisdom and ecological understanding with creative design.

Cours de Conception en Permaculture (CCP 2 x 6 jours) session 1 -

Ce Cours de Conception en Permaculture (CCP) est une formation complète pour démarrer dans l’univers de la permaculture.

Social Permaculture - designing for change -

This course focuses on how to manifest change in our lives through conscious design and action.

Transylvania Permaculture Campfire 2024 -

The Permaculture Campfire is THE highlight of the Permaculture year.

Peek into Permaculture in Helsinki -

Are you interested in creating a more sustainable life for yourself and eager to learn practical ways to make a positive impact on the environment?

PDC in Denmark - Friland -

5-16. august 2024

Rezidencijalni kurs permakulturnog dizajniranja_Stara planina 2024 -

72-satni rezidencijalni kurs permakulturnog dizajniranja sa dodatnih 8 sati praktičnih radionica.

ACE - Activating Cultural Emergence online

The Activating Cultural Emergence (ACE) course centers on the challenge & awaken phase of the Cultural Emergence toolkit.

16 day (100 hour), Vegan Permaculture Design Course + Sociocracy/social permaculture in practice -

Full certified 14 day permaculture design course (100 hours, 14 days teaching, 2 days free)

Forest Garden Event -

Hello All,

PDC in Romanian language - Curs Certificat de Design in Permacultura -

Permaculture Design Course 2024 - in romanian language 

Curs certificat de design in permacultura 2024

Introduction to permaculture and sustainable living -

Experience and enjoy permaculture in practice on our homestead Bogata Šuma!
Together we can discover how permaculture can be a solution to many (world) problems.

Earth Keepers Permakultur Kinder Sommer Woche -

Das Österreichische Waldgarten-Institut präsentiert die „Earth Keepers Permakultur Kinder Sommer Woche“ vom 7. – 13. Juli 2024 in Wels / Oberösterreich! Mit Ange Chakana & Sieglinde Gruber.

Intro to Permaculture -

This is a great place to start your permaculture journey!

Permaculture Design Course -

Our 14-day Permaculture Design Course at Keela Yoga Farm is certified by the internationally recognised Permaculture Association (UK).

GIS in the context of permaculture design [self-paced | guided] -

>>This online course is available as a SELF-PACED autodidactic course & as a guided online course.<<