Type: Lecture

PermaTalks - Steve Read - Permaculture in France and the Francophone World

PermaTalks are back! Season 5 starts on January 23rd 💚

The season starts with Steve Read who will talk about Permaculture in France and the Francophone World.

🌱 About the lecture

Steve will talk about how Permaculture has evolved in France and the Francophone world. Giving listeners an insight into the history and progression of Permaculture in France.

🌱 About Steve Read

Steve is a Permaculture designer living in France and working worldwide. He has worked in around 16 different countries with climates ranging from semi-arid to temperate and has led over 140 permaculture design courses


The season is co-created with the European Permaculture Network (https://permaculture-network.eu/) and our sustainability education association Vihreä Pourusmäki.

Check out all the sessions at https://permapuheet.fi/en/volume-5

The season pass costs mere 25 euros, and you can get it at https://kauppa.vihreapourusmaki.fi/en/products/permatalks-volume-5-seas…

Please join us for another amazing season of permaculture learning, sharing from all around Europe!


PermaTalks - Steve Read - Permaculture in France and the Francophone World

Buy your Vol. 5 season pass now


I am a Permaculture designer living in France and working worldwide.

I have worked in around 16 different countries with climates ranging from semi-arid to temperate.

I have led over 140 permaculture design courses