Welcome to the EuPN assurance program

Welcome to a new chapter in permaculture practice and education across Europe. The European Permaculture Network (EuPN) is happy to introduce our Assurance Program - a fresh and innovative approach to recognizing excellence in permaculture places, educators, and courses. At its core, the Assurance Program is about building trust and ensuring quality within our vibrant community. We understand t/node/1644he importance of accessible, reliable, and impactful permaculture education and practice. That's why we've developed a transparent process to vet and assure the best in the field.

New members-only forum is live

Today, we are pleased to announce the opening of our new members-only community forum.

Our new forum is designed to enrich your experience, offering a space where you can engage in deeper, more meaningful conversations, share insights, and connect with fellow members. We believe that this enhancement will significantly contribute to the quality of discussions and the overall value of our community interactions.

Building a more sustainable future: European Permaculture Map welcomes new projects and enthusiasts across the continent

European Permaculture Projects
European Permaculture Projects

Over the last two months, more than 40 people have registered permaculture projects on the European Permaculture Map, highlighting the growing interest and engagement in sustainable living practices across Europe. This is a significant achievement and one worth celebrating, as it shows that people are actively seeking out opportunities to learn, connect, and share knowledge and resources within the permaculture community.