14IPC Argentina
International Permaculture Convergence Argentina Nov-Dec 2022
International Permaculture Convergence Argentina Nov-Dec 2022
14 IPC (International Permaculture Convergence) Argentina - postponed to November-December 2022
Dear friends of the Permaculture World, Children and Youth Groups, Indigenous- and Rural- and all Communities Everywhere!
The IPC14 Argentina team together with the IPC Council, in the constant effort of adaptation to the world-wide pandemic and its consequences, have decided to delay the next International Permaculture Convergence that was to take place in 2021. The current date for the 14th IPC is November-December 2022.
IPC14 Argentina postponed untill 2021
IPC 14 in Argentina, planned from 28th November till December 4th in 2020 will be postponed to November 2021
Dear friends of the Permaculture World, Children and Youth Groups, Indigenous- and Rural- and all Communities Everywhere!
The IPC-14 Argentina will be postponed to November-December 2021 due to the consequences of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic.
This new date for 2021 is a first step, a guide for the coming months during which we will continue to observe the development of the pandemic to be able to make the best decisions.
- Read more about IPC14 Argentina postponed untill 2021
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14IPC Argentina - Children, Youth and Regenerative Education

The 14th edition of the International Permaculture Convergence will be held this year from 28th November to 4th December in Argentina, hosted by the Ná Lu’um Permaculture Institute (naluum.org). The chosen theme is “Children, Youth and Regenerative Education”.
The 14IPC Argentina Council shares a message with the world: