IPEN News: The EUPN Education Working Group
by Steve Charter
IPEN has launched its iLAND intiative to help spread and support the growth of LAND Centres - learning and demonstration centre projects - across Europe and globally. IPEN is inviting applications from permaculture demonstration projects that have active education programmes to apply for iLAND status, subject to meeting a set of criteria which have been adapted a little from the UK LAND project, which inspired iLAND. IPEN plans to support up to 12 centres more actively as pilot members of the iLAND network, with a spread of pilot projects around the globe. IPEN also wants to support national organisations and networks in establishing their own LAND centre systems, if they are ready to do so. For more information see IPEN's iLAND pages.
IPEN Case Studies are being steadily produced on good practice projects from around the world, with 8 Case Studies produced so far and a goal of having around 20 produced by mid-2019. The case studies sit within IPEN's Education Resources page which includes a number of examples of Curriculum Guides, Teachers Guides and other useful education resources.
IPEN expects to have a new improved website up within the first quarter of 2019, to include additional functionality, and more ways to support the development, growth and maturing of permaculture education across Europe. To receive direct updates on IPEN's activities go to their Sign Up page as there's only so much we can include here in the EUPN News!