Category: Homestead
Country: United Kingdom
Applewood Permaculture Centre, UK
Established in: 2016
A beautiful 20 acre smallholding, run by Looby Macnamara and Chris Evans. We run courses through the summer particularly Cultural Emergence courses, also teacher trainings and Forest Gardening. We also run many courses online.
Contact details
Applewood Permaculture Centre, UK
Waterloo Farm
Herefordshire, Sy8 4JG
United Kingdom
Herefordshire, Sy8 4JG
United Kingdom
07786 262 864
applewoodcourses [at]
Waterloo Farm
Sy8 4JG Herefordshire
Looby Macnamara
I have been teaching permaculture for over 20 years. I am author of People & Permaculture, 7 Ways to Think Differently, Cultural Emergence and Strands of Infinity. I run Applewood Permacutlure Centre - a 20 acre smallholding in Herefordshire, UK.

Chris Evans
Permaculture Trainer and Designer since 1989
Permaculture Diploma in Applied Design (Australia)
Member Permaculture Association Britain
Senior Tutor in Diploma in Applied Permaciulture (Britain)
Co-owner Applewood Permaculture Centre, Herefordshire, UK