Projects and Places
We host a list of permaculture and permaculture related projects and places here at the EuPN.
Some of them are open to the public. Some offer lectures on different topics. Others are associations, projects or individuals.
The Radici Vision is to become a laboratory for growing regenerative futures. A place based venture where we dream, imagine, prototype and co-create with life at the centre.
On the farm with 6 hectares of pasture and 4 hectares of forest, there are many permaculture solutions.
Mireille Lewis, who runs Permaculture Västergården, is a Certified Permaculture Designer. The farm has a solid design that extends over 2.55 hectares of land and is an accredited Permaculture
The Radici Vision is to become a laboratory for growing regenerative futures. A place based venture where we dream, imagine, prototype and co-create with life at the centre. At the heart of Radici is connection, learning and healing.
La coopérative expérimente une formule de microferme. Adossée à la Ferme de la Patte d’Oie qui gère les grandes cultures (céréales…), elle développe ses activités sous forme d’ateliers : maraîchage, boulangerie, élevage, arboriculture, transformation, formation…
Something missing?
You know a permaculture place which is missing on the map?
If you are the owner of the place: Get an account and add your place.