Category: Individual
Country: Austria
Sieglindes Nature- and Forest-Garden "NaturArcheLeben"

Established in: 2008
Open days: Yes
For many years, we have been cultivating our natural and forest garden alpin conditions, on a steep slope, according to the ethics and principles of permaculture. This provides us with valuable organic vegetables, fruit, and wild plants. In various biotopes, we promote natural diversity and create connections between people, animals, and plants.
We are currently founding the association NaturArcheLeben, which will bring together our activities such as guided tours, lectures, and networking.
I did my PDC in the year 2017 at the Austrian Forestgarden-Institute at Bernhard Gruber
We offer guided tours for a minimum of 8 Persons / euro 25 pp
Contact details
Sieglindes Nature- and Forest-Garden "NaturArcheLeben"
Liezen, 8940
Liezen, 8940
sieglindegruber [at]
8940 Liezen
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