Lexi Junge

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Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC)
Teaching Permaculture Teachers (TPT)
Diploma in applied Permaculture Design


Intro to Permaculture (PIC)
Specialised courses

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My focus is on urban permaculture, community gardens, wild plant knowledge, permaculture with children and young people and nature connection.

I am a permaculture designer, ethnologist and cultural manager in Potsdam. There I founded the community garden freiGarten (https://freigartenpotsdam.org/) in the cultural center freiLand and am a member of the garden network Potsdam.

I also accompany pupils at the Montessori school in the „Jugendschule“, whose basic principle is “working in the great outdoors”. The youth school is an experimental field for experiential knowledge and reflection - and a permacultural place of learning.

As part of my studies in ethnology and religious studies, I undertook many research trips through Europe, South America and India. I researched topics such as the use of medicinal plants in different cultures, forms of social interaction (e.g. in a Mahatma Gandhi ashram in India or communes in Spain), rituals of encountering nature in Peru, Mexico and Cuba. This urge to research meaningful action in harmony with nature led me to permaculture.

I feel an urgent need to take action - for the earth and for future generations.

In the annual Permaculture Design training course oft he Permakultur Akademie, I support participants for a year in planning their own permaculture projects.

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