Category: Association
Country: Germany

Permakultur Institut e. V.

Established in: 1983

We are one of the largest permaculture associations in the German-speaking world and are recognized as a non-profit organization. The purpose of the association is to support the development of sustainable lifestyles. To this end, we organize educational work and network permaculture activists. Since 1983, people have been learning about permaculture with us, can network with each other and work together on a future world. As a result, more and more places are being created where people are working with permaculture - we show you some of these places on our website.

In the last millennium, our focus has been on networking people interested in permaculture and making this topic more visible. Since 2003, we have been offering further training in permaculture design, which enables you to obtain a permaculture diploma from us.

With our association work, we show how you can bring permaculture into your everyday life or profession and thus contribute to social change.

Permaculture training

Are you interested in a permaculture design course? Take a look at our course calendar:

Have you already completed a permaculture design course and would like to deepen your knowledge? With our annual training course you can bring permaculture into your everyday life and practise designing your own projects:

EuPN Member Image
employees of the permaculture institute at a strategy meeting: you see people of different ages and genders sitting on green chairs in a circle on a fresh green meadow. a vegetable garden is indicated in the background and the people in the center of the picture are laughing
Participants in a permaculture course design a place in an exercise
The German-language Permaculture Magazine is published annually by the Permakultur Institut e.V., Permakultur Austria and Permakultur Schweiz.
Teaching in the middle of the city: on the urban permaculture course of the annual training program
Practical skills in our courses: clay building explained and to test yourself

Contact details

Permakultur Institut e. V.

info [at]

Social media

Mitteldeutscher Permakultur-Stammtisch

Permakulturverein Waldgeister e. V.

Premicher Str. 33
Direction via Google
EuPN Assured Teacher Badge

Monika Frank

Permaculture designer, tutor and teacher. currently building up a new collectif site for a (better) life in the wild countryside of Ariège/French Pyrénées to motivate others to live a modest life alongside nature.
EuPN Assured Teacher Badge

Laura Schöneberg

I am a fashion designer (M.A.) and during my studies I took a critical look at the consumption and production of fashion. During this phase of reorientation, I came across permaculture and completed a year and a half of federal voluntary service on a permaculture farm.

Lexi Junge

My focus is on urban permaculture, community gardens, wild plant knowledge, permaculture with children and young people and nature connection.

Upcoming Courses & Events

A practical exercise during the annual training programme: participants building a pondJahrestraining Permakultur Design -
Participants in a permaculture course design a place in an exercise
The German-language Permaculture Magazine is published annually by the Permakultur Institut e.V., Permakultur Austria and Permakultur Schweiz.
Teaching in the middle of the city: on the urban permaculture course of the annual training program
Practical skills in our courses: clay building explained and to test yourself