European Permaculture Community Forum 1-5 March 2023
EUPC Forum 1-5 March 2023
Let’s talk about food!
Food affects all of us, whether we love growing our own or wonder what is the footprint of our shopping-list.
Food production in the world today means…
- Conventional approaches have a huge negative environmental impact and make a big contribution to climate change
- There is more and more doubt regarding global and local food quality and security
Permaculture shows there is an alternative!
Permaculture practices highlight that producing food in harmony with natural ecosystems is better for everyone, increasing biodiversity, building up soil and guaranteeing more stable livelihoods for farmers.
Get inspired at the next European Permaculture Community Forum. The 5-day programme focusing on food systems will give you:
- A diversity of perspectives on the overall picture
Knowledge on growing food at different scales: from balcony to farm
- Stories from regenerative farmers, growers and cooperatives
- Opportunities to network with the local and international community
We are inviting people and projects from across Europe that work on local food systems and nature-friendly farming, increasing food sovereignty in their communities.
BRING your questions - SHARE your project - MEET others working on permaculture solutions