New Interactive Map of Permaculture Places in Europe Now Available

The EuPN comms team is excited to announce the launch of its new interactive map, which allows users to discover and connect with permaculture places throughout Europe. The map allows users to browse and search for permaculture places by location. Each place is represented by a pin on the map, and clicking on a pin brings up more information about the place.
Users can also contribute to the map by registering for an account and adding their own permaculture places, as well as courses, lectures, and events. This allows the permaculture community to share information and resources, and helps to promote the growth and spread of permaculture practices.
In addition to the interactive map, permaculture-network.eu also offers a quarterly newsletter edited by Cathrine Dolleris. The newsletter keeps readers up-to-date on the latest permaculture news, events, and opportunities.
The new interactive map on permaculture-network.eu is a valuable resource for anyone interested in permaculture, whether they are a beginner or an experienced practitioner. With its user-generated content and quarterly newsletter, the website is an excellent way to connect with the permaculture community and stay informed about permaculture practices and events in Europe.