IPEN & Education News
iLAND Centre Network
The pilot iLAND Network is taking shape with so far 3 aspiring LAND Centre projects having applied in Europe (in Latvia, Bulgaria and Ukraine), 4 across Africa, 1 in Armenia and 1 in Laos. We expect more to apply, to reach our target number of 12 projects in the pilot network, which we will provide more support to and which will help us refine the iLAND systems. We hope to have iLAND project profiles on the iLAND webpages by the end of October. From there we expect the network to expand significantly in Europe and around the world. For more information see: https://www.ipenpermaculture.org/ipen-priorities/iland-demonstration-centres/
Education Resources
A number of additional Case Studies of inspirational projects both in Europe and elsewhere are now available via IPEN’s Resources webpages, that can help provide guidance and inspiration to permaculture projects and organisations in Europe. A number of useful teaching and curriculum guides are also available, including the still highly valuable resources produced by the European Permaculture Teachers (EPT) partnership project - use the filter tool to search the topics at: https://www.ipenpermaculture.org/education-resources/
52 Climate Actions - https://www.52climateactions.com/
The webpages for the 52 Climate Actions project have now been launched. IPEN and other EuPN members were involved throughout and IPEN drafted an outline for community-led Climate Action Training which is available through the website. With various EuPN members, we are aiming to host a number of online events that will share examples of permaculture-led climate action training and engagement activities, including a recent successful pilot that has been run in South Australia.
Ecolise BLAST Project
The 2-year BLAST project is underway to develop, strengthen and support a growing Europe-wide community of practise for community-led transformative blended learning for sustainability and climate action, with several members of the EuPN involved. This will help widen access to tools and a platform for blended learning, that can be used widely by permaculturists across Europe.
EuPN ReLeaP Project
It is hoped that the ReLeaP partnership project, taken forward by the Resources for Action Working Group, and involving 9 EuPN members, will be able to be confirmed by the end of the year. If Erasmus+ funding is approved this will deliver a 2 year ‘Regenerative Leadership Programme’ starting in January 2020 to support the pioneers and leaders in permaculture networks, organisations, projects and teaching across Europe, with the aim that at least 50% of the participants will be under 30 years old. The project will involve a series of physical and online events, and produce a number of good practice guides and resources to stimulate and support the permaculture movement across Europe.