Category: Country: United Kingdom Permaculture Orchard Penmaenpool - POP Established in: 2018Contact detailsAddress Permaculture Orchard Penmaenpool - POP Dolgellau, LL401YB United Kingdom Pennerley PermaculturePennerley PermacultureTankerville FarmSY5 0NB Oak House Permaculture ProjectOak House Permaculture ProjectOak HouseSY5 8HYShrewsbury Henbant Permaculture FarmHenbant Permaculture FarmHenbantLL54 5DF Applewood Permaculture Centre, UKApplewood Permaculture Centre, UKWaterloo FarmSy8 4JGHerefordshire LL401YB Dolgellau Direction via Google There is no one yet responsible. Get in contact and let us know that you will be responsible