

The Radici Vision is to become a laboratory for growing regenerative futures. A place based venture where we dream, imagine, prototype and co-create with life at the centre. At the heart of Radici is connection, learning and healing. Cultivating a culture for personal transformation and evolution, so humans and nature can thrive. The initial focus and principal foundation of Radici is a regenerative farm committed to sustainable and responsible farming practices.

Finca Verde

Finca Verde is a small regen ag farm:

We want to

transform a conventional olive & almond farm into a permaculture organic regenerative farm
offer a space of learning and reconnecting with nature
Participate in the local economy
support and participate in aligned local community projects
provide regenerative services

Graines de Vie

La coopérative expérimente une formule de microferme. Adossée à la Ferme de la Patte d’Oie qui gère les grandes cultures (céréales…), elle développe ses activités sous forme d’ateliers : maraîchage, boulangerie, élevage, arboriculture, transformation, formation…

The cooperative is experimenting a micro-farm formula. Backed by the Ferme de la Patte d'Oie, which manages field crops (cereals, etc.), it develops its activities in the form of workshops: market gardening, baking, breeding, arboriculture, processing, training, etc.