
Ecole Du Breuil

L’École Du Breuil est un établissement rattaché à la Ville de Paris.

Dans son offre de formations elle accueille des Initiations à la permaculture et des Cours de Conception en Permaculture.

The École Du Breuil is an establishment attached to the City of Paris. 

In its training offering it hosts Introductions to permaculture and Permaculture Design Courses.

Permacultura Mediterránea

We promote permaculture design in the Mediterranean Climate, with several educational demonstration sites originally on Mallorca (Balearic Islands) and with now also a hub on the Catalunya coast, just North of Barcelona.
Specifically working in education and with young people, from Permakids to "Jóvenes en Permaculture" (Youth in Permaculture) and also in public and private educational centres, with the teaching team as well as with the pupils, under the project name of PermaEduca.

Permaculture Association of Bulgaria

PDC stands for Permaculture Design Course with Certificate. It is a minimum of 72-hours long course which provides the basics of Permaculture Design and a certificate at the end, issued by an internationally recognized Association/Institute or Academy. In Bulgaria this educational institution is the Green School Village Association which initiated the Permaculture Association of Bulgaria after an intensive international collaboration in the period 2011-2015.

Academia de Permacultura Íbera

We are a non-profit association, within the framework of Permacultura Íbera, whose aim is to train competent permaculture designers and, at the same time, to be a support network for people who have completed a Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course according to the 72-hour module and who have decided to continue their training until they obtain the "Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design".