Liminal Village in Italy - a regenerative hub
By Roberto Valenti
Liminal Village, an emerging eco-tech hub and permaculture center in Italy, acts as a bridge between the global meta-level and regenerative grass-root initiatives. During the last months, Liminal Village has been facilitating local regenerative gatherings, workshops, hackathons & festivals at the bioregional level, applying permaculture principles and frameworks (zones, lens, sectors) to people and places to kickstart a regenerative hubs network of closely interdependent communities (regenerativa.io). The village (zone 0) currently acts as a commons transition research center where people from all over the world come to co-live and co-create the future they would like to see.
In zone 1 (10 minutes away) a Waldorf kindergarten has been crowdfunded Together 18 other local families who wanted a different learning path for their children, and it is quickly turning into a place of exchanges of goods and services between the diffused community. In zone 2 (20 minutes away, and close to the main city of Ascoli Piceno) a former brick quarry and factory with 6,000 cubic meters of development has been purchased with the intention of building 3D print houses using locally sourced materials to create an access-based eco-tech village and maker space for the network, giving free access to contributors. In zone 3 and 4 we have facilitated community building workshops to help stack up functions of local people, communities and initiatives into a webwork of relations.
On the global level, zone 5, Liminal Village has been selected to join the Regen Civic Alliance, a cohort of 12 ecovillages around the world exploring how to use blockchain technology to track regenerative contributions and fund regenerative endeavors.
Besides designers and programmers, we always welcome specific roles in permaculture gardening, on site property management (water management & irrigation, storage, renovation maintenance etc), cooking etc.. with a certain amount of maturity and self-awareness, who are able to take responsibility for their behavior and are open to feedback and learning.