The European Permaculture Convergence 2021
Our world must embark on the biggest period of change we have ever known. We all know this, but we don’t always know what to do about it. That’s why we’re holding a European Permaculture Convergence (EUPC) online this October - to bring together those who want to bring about positive change so we can collectively work towards it.
Since the early 1980s, permaculture initiatives, groups and networks have been pioneering new approaches to food, energy, housing and community. Now, more than ever, we need to share what we are doing and inspire a huge new wave of permaculture action across Europe.
Hosted by the Permaculture Association (Britain) and following on from a successful UK Convergence in 2020, the EUPC will have a programme drawn from across the continent.
National, regional and local organisations will share sessions and workshops, as well as pre-recorded tours of permaculture projects.
Themes will include everything from climate change action to regenerative agriculture, with something to suit every level. Experienced practitioners will rub virtual shoulders with those new to permaculture to ensure no voice goes unheard.
The programme will include content such as self-sufficiency and gardening, which many are now interested in finding out more about. For those who have been working in this field for longer, there will be deep dive sessions and strategic meetings focused on the development of permaculture in Europe.
The aim is to create a diverse and accessible event that sows the seeds for a strong European Permaculture Network and a renewed cross-border community.
The primary working language of the convergence will be English, with other options explored to help remove barriers, including some edge events in other European languages.
So as many people as possible can attend, there is a ‘donate what you can afford’ structure to this event. Cost is on a sliding scale from €15 to €100 (payments are in Euros rather than GBP).
A donation of just €30 is the equivalent of just €3 per day! With over 30 hours of curated content between 8-17 October, as well as other sessions being organised over the course of the event, there will be plenty to choose from.
This event supports the development of permaculture all across Europe. Funds raised will be used to help support and grow our networks, so that more people can bring about their own positive change. Your donation makes this work possible, so we are grateful for whatever you can give.
Book now: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/eupc2021