Introduction to permaculture and sustainable living

In this week you will get an overview of what permaculture is and how you can live more and more sustainable. How to setup ecological food growing systems, including several ways to make compost and fertilizers, natural building techniques, how to take care of your health with herbs, how to make natural cleaning products...

This is a practical and fun course in which you can use all your senses.
The venue (permaculture farm Bogata Šuma) is a living example of how you can live more sustainable, how to grow towards self sufficiency in a low maintenance way.

Permaculture course in one of our outdoor classroom. A big benefit of a permaculture farm of 12 hectares!
Živković Kosa 11
47220, Vojnić

Click for more information about the course


I live with my family on a 12 hectare homestead in the heart of Croatia. My vision is to live a simple, healthy, happy life in nature, with like minded people to share and celebrate.

All events at Permaculture farm Bogata Šuma