Czech news

After some discussion about our yearly nationwide permaculture conference being move to online format, we have decided to simply postpone it for the next year, as the main objective for people to attend is always an in-person contact (which was made impossible by the pandemic). So the conference theme, "Appropriate technologies" is being saved for 2021 (hopefully).
With everything moving online, we are developing lots of content for our newish Permakultura CS youtube channel. We have put some effort towards translation of subtitles for Happen Films' insiring permaculture videos, so non-english-speaking Czechs can enjoy them too. And there are 13 original videos in Czech too.
Our team has been busy with book translations too. 2 czech translations of books with forest garden themes have been published with some crowdfunding help, How to Make a Forest Garden by Patrick Whitefield and Forest gardening in practice by Tomas Remiarz. In connection with there was a succesful crowdfunding campaign to make a documentary about Czech forest gardens, so it's coming out in spring 2021.