Books for a Future

"Books for a Future" is a list of essential reads, initially compiled to inspire and support sustainable, regenerative practices. EuPN members can add their own recommendations or recommend books that resonate deeply with our shared vision for a resilient future. Explore this evolving resource for insights on permaculture, environmental activism, ecology, and beyond.

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Books for a future - a Permaculture Network initiative
TitleAuthorDescriptionSigned copyRecommend
Cold-Hardy Fruits and Nuts by Scott Serrano, by Allyson Levy

Focuses on growing fruits and nuts that thrive in colder climates, expanding food production options.

Creating a Forest Gardenby Martin Crawford

A comprehensive guide to creating forest gardens in temperate climates.

Edible Forest Gardens: Book 1 & 2by Dave Jacke, by Eric Toensmeier

An extensive two-volume guide on creating edible forest gardens.

essbarer Waldgarten und weitere zukunftsfähige Agroforstsystemeby Bernhard Gruber

Essbare Waldgärten sind die Lösung für den Hunger der Menschen, können aber auch Sinnfindung unserer übersättigten Industriegesellschaft sein. Durch aktiven Humusaufbau und eine Dauerkultur mit Bäumen, Sträuchern und Stauden in Etagenwirtschaft sind essbare Waldgärten unsere Klima-Chance Nr. 1!

Farming the Woods: An Integrated Permaculture Approach to Growing Food and Medicinal Forestsby Ken Mudge, by Steve Gabriel

A permaculture approach to growing food and medicinal plants in forested environments.

Find Your Forest Gardenby Caroline Aitken, by Martin Crawford

A guide to exploring and discovering your own forest garden ecosystem.

Forest Gardening in Practice: An Illustrated Practical Guide for Homes, Communities & Smallholdingsby Tomas Remiarz

Illustrated guidance for establishing forest gardens at various scales.

How to Make a Forest Gardenby Patrick Whitefield

Learn how to create a sustainable and productive forest garden for food and habitat.

Integrated Forest Gardening: The Complete Guide to Polycultures and Plant Guilds in Permaculture Systemsby Wayne Weiseman, by Daniel Halsey, by Bryce Ruddock

Detailed instructions on designing and managing polycultures and plant guilds within permaculture.

The Home-Scale Forest Gardenby Dani Baker

Guide to creating a productive forest garden on a small scale, focusing on edible and perennial plants.