Category: Homestead
Country: France

Le Jardin d'un Notre Monde

EuPN Member Image
Established in: 2020

A project that includes an evolving forest garden for a family of eight people, a self-organized community garden, a demonstration and training site for ethical agroecology practices. The dynamics of the place rely on permaculture and syntropic techniques, and seek balance through an agro-sylvo-pastoral approach, at the appropriate scale.

There are multiple microclimates on the site, which have allowed the development of several micro-projects integrated into a holistic design, highlighting the varied sectors and the natural potential of the place. 

This includes: forest gardens on swales, terraces, a half-buried greenhouse, fascines, agroforestry in alley-cropping, a community garden, multiple hedges for biodiversity and windbreaks, chickens and ducks .

Water management covers multiple low-tech techniques (swales, berms, boomerangs, terraces, ollas), mechanical systems (cisterns for rainwater storage and drip irrigation for crops), and a well that supplies drinking water. 

Multiple compost techniques (for a wide range of local organic resources) are employed in an integrated manner in the different growing areas. Production: various fruits and vegetables, currently in development; aiming to achieve a rate of 80% perennial plants and 20% annual plants.  

Since the begining of 2024, we've integrated mushroom production to the list of crops being grown on site, aiming for year-round production.

Compost toilets make it possible to recycle local resources to an even greater extent.

The sun exposure is South-East and South. Located near a natural wetland, the land is bordered by mature trees. The slopes are both convex and concave, with a gradient between 3-10%. 

Multiple people (professionals, the resident family members and volunteer gardeners) are involved in various small-scale projects almost all year round. Activities: alley cropping (agroforestry rows and annual garden beds), forest gardening, ecological gardening (community project), polytunnel cultures, various workshops, ad-hoc meetings for the processing of crops.

Other elements included: sheltered working spaces (veranda, kiosk, greenhouse), a space for outdoor meetings in the shade of a bamboo grove, a solidarity fridge. The space also hosts meetings around well-being and human ecology.



Function stacking with multiple yields.

Contact details

Le Jardin d'un Notre Monde
841 Rue du 8 Mai 1945
Métropole de Lyon, 69290
E-Mail [at]

Social media

841 Rue du 8 Mai 1945
69290 Métropole de Lyon
Direction via Google
There is no one yet responsible. Get in contact and let us know that you will be responsible
Function stacking with multiple yields.
Apple tree harvest
Cherry tomatos
Comfrey as support plants
Sprawling Squash season
Polytunnel come harvest time
Seed-saving, a key to resilience and abundance
Beautiful array of tomatoes grown in the project
Bigger caliber of tomatoes
Tomatoes. We love tomatoes.
Tomato portraits...
Time to make preserves, as well
... and more preserves
A diverse syntropic row, before harvest