Category: Homestead
Country: France

Afrinoon Permaculture

EuPN Member Image
Established in: 2017
Open days: Yes
Accepts volunteers: Via Workaway

Afrinoon Permaculture
We are Glen and Karen Noon, passionate permaculture practitioners living in the picturesque Brittany region of Northern France since 2017. Since moving here, we’ve dedicated ourselves to renovating our home and revitalizing the land to create a harmonious and interconnected lifestyle.

At Afrinoon Permaculture, we are transforming our property into a thriving demonstration and education site, showcasing a scalable, poly-income smallholding model. Through our three diverse and evolving sites, we share practical permaculture techniques to empower you with the knowledge and confidence to pursue your sustainable living dreams.

Join us for certified design courses, engaging talks, volunteering and open days, and be part of a community working toward a regenerative future. 


smelling herbs in the herb garden
Bee Keeping
passionate about pumpkins
Eco Grazing our sheep

Contact details

Afrinoon Permaculture
9 Bellevue
PRIZIAC, 56320
Karen.meadows [at]

Social media

9 Bellevue
Direction via Google
EuPN Assured Teacher Badge

Karen Noon

As a permaculture educator with 12 years of hands-on experience, I've dedicated myself to sharing the wisdom and practices of sustainable living. From our home base in Northern France, we run a permaculture smallholding and demonstration site.

Upcoming Courses & Events

students listening to Karen talkingPermaculture Gardening -
Group of student at a PDC Permaculture Design Course -
Bee Keeping
passionate about pumpkins
Eco Grazing our sheep