International Permaculture Educators' Forum

Dear friends at the European Permaculture Network, Last year we held the first International Permaculture Educators' Forum in Poland, a joint effort of several organisations. We wanted to share resources from the Forum with wider perma-network in Europe. 

Here is the Permaculture Education Toolkit (practice abstracts/guides) from our Forum:

Here is the Toolshed of video presentations from the Forum:  

Another great resource is our late Web-Doc "The Supermarket Museum"; and specifically the GARDEN PATH 

Also, I thought you may find this interesting, the Permaculture Toolshed developed by Heather Jo Flores:  (the second video is a thorough review of applications useful in design; we have found it very useful).

With greetings, Joanna Bojczewska

Agro-Perma-Lab Founder