Alfred Decker courses
“Training Permaculture Teachers” (TPT). Rosemary Morrow developed TPT in order to have a multiplier effect in the development of permaculture, with the intention to develop the course in the different European languages by teachers from those countries. The following TPT courses in Europe 2019 are facilitated by Alfred Decker and local teachers:
– Sweden @ Kosters Trädgårdar, November 5-12, with Cathrine Dolleris and Helena Von Bothmer. This course is available to PDC holders from any country who want to teach participatory learning methods from Rosemary Morrow’s experience and from the “Permaculture Educators Course”. Read More… (or we could put the link to the announcement on the EuPN site: https://permaculture-network.eu/events/training-permaculture-teachers-course/)
– Portugal @ Vale de Lama, October 26-November 1, with Hugo Oliveira and Patricia Pereira
Urban Permaculture Design Course Berlin
June 1-15 (2019)
Facilitated by Alfred Decker (core facilitator and convener), Nicole Wolf (convener) and guest tutors: Declan Kennedy, Mojisola Adebayo, Sonja Bach, Johanna Häger, Dennis Posthumus, Robert Strauch, Bouba Touré, Raphaël Grisey, Rosemary Morrow (via videoconference) and others
Film Feld Forschung @ Silent Green Kulturquartier and 12P Permaculture Design invite you to a two-week intensive Permaculture Design Course (PDC), offering the internationally-recognized 72-hour permaculture curriculum. Our focus is on urban and social permaculture and how activist permaculture can work for climate justice and building a non-racist society where the permaculture ethic „People Care“ is practised. We will explore soil as the ground we live on and with, as a contested and extracted medium; how practices of soil regeneration connect to how we live together; and how the ethics and principles of permaculture and regenerating soil relates to arts and film practices.
* Earth Activism & Social Permaculture @ La Loma Viva and La Bolina (Granada, Spain), September 4 - 11, with Starhawk, Alfred Decker, Alex Kruger, and members of La Loma Viva and La Bolina