3rd Permaculture Educators' Course

Image removed.Living Houses Denmarkwill be hosting a

Permaculture Educators' Course

October 28th - November 4th 2011

During eight interactive and information-filled days, we will be offering a course to enhance your skills in teaching Permaculture and to add new information to your curriculum.  Permaculture offers key solutions to the environmental, economic and social challenges facing human occupation of the planet. The course is suitable for anyone teaching, or interested in teaching Permaculture


  • To present tools, ideas and methodologies to boost your teaching and curriculum design.
  • To bring together European Permaculture educators to exchange ideas about teaching methods and content.
  • To help educators to teach creatively and confidently.
  • To provide the opportunity for educators to create their own support and communication network within Europe.
  • To discuss how Permaculture education can adapt to the evolving environmental situation.

The program will include:

  • How to present using a variety of teaching methods
  • Using icebreakers and energizers to keep interest
  • 'Mini-teaches' to gain first-hand experience with peer-review
  • 'Open space', games and small group discussions
  • Incorporating tours and practical sessions - we will try it ourselves at Friland
  • Time for exchanging knowledge, experience and networking
  • Participant presentations
(Full program available on request)Image removed.The course will be led by Andy GoldringAndy has been thinking about and practicing permaculture design since his first design course in 1993. He has used permaculture in many different contexts and with lots of different groups. After training he helped with permaculture projects in Leeds, community projects and private home/gardens, and national projects as a volunteer with the Permaculture Association. For the last 11 yrs he has been the coordinator of the Permaculture Association, which gives him a good overview of permaculture in Britain and the context within which permaculture is operating. Andy’s main body of permaculture work in recent years has focused on the organisational design of the Association itself and its many and far reaching projects. Andy’s recent projects include a collaborative eco-farming project working with existing farmers to support them to develop more sustainable carbon efficient practices. He was also involved in writing the remit for the Local Food Fund a £50million lottery fund, the first to mention ‘permaculture’ as a fundable criteria. Andy has a wealth of facilitation experience, using various techniques such as open space technology and mind-mapping. On a  local level, he is a director of a community interest company - ‘Leeds – love it, share it’ - which is developing new approaches to urban regeneration. Andy has been a champion of ‘Holistic Management’ an exciting method of land management that can be used to combat climate change, and organised the first UK seminar on the subject with its founder Allan Savory. Andy has been teaching permaculture since 1995, and has been involved in many design courses and numerous introductory and specialist trainings since. He has been lead tutor on at least ten design courses, including the last 5 years’ of Leeds PDCs, co-tutor on the 2009 Earth Activist Training course with Starhawk, and last year's Permaculture Educators Course in Denmark. He has contributed to many books and magazines and was the editor of ‘Permaculture – a teachers’ guide’. Over the last 10 years, he has also been using permaculture design methods in retro-fitting and adapting his house to be energy efficient and productive, a job which he never seems to quite manage to finish...Image removed.Andy will be joined by Cathrine DollerisCathrine is dedicated to preserving life supporting systems in nature and in society. Her background in geography, extensive travels and working with an NGO and an embassy has given her experiences with especially poverty, gender, community development, ethnic minorities and the environment. She took an interest in permaculture first time in South Africa in 2000 while working with Zulu farmers and has studied and applied permaculture principles in her later work in Nepal and Vietnam. She has also worked as a consultant evaluating and documenting rural development projects including permaculture projects and Farmer Field Schools. In early 2010, the time was finally ripe for her to take the permaculture design course in New Zealand. She has since then attended a teacher training course and training on the Transition Town concept at Friland, a natural building and organic gardening internship in Thailand and she has worked with her kitchen garden in Denmark applying permaculture principles. Cathrine will be the assistant facilitator on the course.

Registration and Funding

The course is listed under the EU's Life Long Learning Grundtvig program. FULL FUNDING is available for non-Danish EU residents for full board, accommodation, course fees and transport costs. Please inform us if you are applying for funding. To view the course access the EU database and look under 'Applicants' http://ec.europa.eu/education/trainingdatabase/The course reference number is DK-2011-046-001 For instructions on how to apply for course funding, go to  http://ec.europa.eu/For any help or advice on applying for funding, please contact the course organiser Jo Morandin: jomorandin [at] gmail [dot] com (jomorandin[at]gmail[dot]com)NOTE: DEADLINE FOR FUNDING APPLICATIONS IS 29 APRIL 2011

Location and logistics

Friland is a mortgage-free, intentional community, located 35kms north-east of Aarhus, Denmark http://www.dr.dk/dr2/friland. It offers a living example of environmental design. We'll experience its physical and social systems as part of the course. Feldballe is surrounded by large forests, swimming lakes and is ideal for walking and cycling. Friland is easily accessible by public transport. Organic vegetarian food will be provided. Allergies and special diets can be catered for.   For any advice, questions or further information, please contact Jo Morandin: jomorandin [at] gmail [dot] com (jomorandin[at]gmail[dot]com). Tlf: +45 8668 0505. Mobile: +45 2390 0924   Please forward to other interested persons and lists. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.