Type: Lecture

PermaTalks - Alfred Decker - The Social Microclimate

PermaTalks are back! Season 5 is full of inspiring talks & lectures 💚

The second session is by Alfred Decker and his topic is The Social Microclimate.

🌱 About the lecture

Permaculture is a holistic design system that works on social as well as the ecological structures. It is like a pair of glasses that allow you to see previously unseen possibilities: that rubble-filled urban lot as a food forest; your neighbourhood as a vibrant and resilient community; and yourself as part of a hugely complex web of life and the societal structures which form the world around you.

While Permaculture originated as a primarily ecological methodology, more recently the design principles have been applied in urban, social and group contexts to organise, communicate and cooperate more effectively, rethinking existing social and economic structures - we call this Social Permaculture.

🌱 About Alfred Decker

Alfred Decker is an award-winning permaculture designer; the Education Coordinator of Permaculture For Refugees; a certified educator with the Permaculture Association of Britain; a leading voice in Social Permaculture; and one of Europe's innovative permaculture educators. His journey into ecological design began in 1998 when he completed his first Permaculture Design Course in California. Since then, Alfred has been involved with social movements and projects across many borders.

More: https://permapuheet.fi/alfred-decker-social-microclimate
and: https://www.facebook.com/alfred.d.decker and: http://www.12pdesign.net


The season is co-created with the European Permaculture Network (https://permaculture-network.eu/) and the Finnish sustainability education association Vihreä Pourusmäki (https://vihreapourusmaki.fi/en) 💚

Check out all the sessions at https://permapuheet.fi/en/volume-5

The season pass costs mere 25 euros, and you can get it at https://kauppa.vihreapourusmaki.fi/en/products/permatalks-volume-5-seas…

Please join us for another amazing pan-European season of permaculture learning, sharing and co-creating!


PermaTalks - Alfred Decker - The Social Microclimate

Buy your Vol. 5 season pass now