The EuPN assured course

Welcome to the EuPN course assurance. At the EuPN quality is important for us. That's why we have a rigid assurance and certification program. The EuPN assured course brings together the EuPN assured teacher and the EuPN certified PermaHub


EuPN assured course seal
EuPN assured course seal

What is the EUPN assured course process?

The EuPN assured course is a dedication to those educators who have gone the full path in permaculture education. They have been assured through the EuPN teacher assurance program and the place the course is held at is certified by the EuPN.


To be meet the criteria for the EuPN assured course seal the following points are necessary:

  1. The course's teacher must be a EuPN assured teacher
  2. The place the course is held at must be a certified PermaHub
EuPN assured course process
EuPN assured course process

The assurance process

Step 1: Become an assured teacher

See the details of the EuPN assured teacher process

Step 2: Have a certified PermaHub place

See the details of the EuPN certified PermaHub process



The EuPN assured course is currently only available for the Permaculture Design Courses (PDC).

The EuPN assured course is part of our assurance program.

Assurance program

Welcome to the Assurance Program at the EuPN, a community dedicated to nurturing sustainable living and learning across Europe.

Our assurance program is designed to connect permaculture practitioners, educators, and enthusiasts, fostering a rich ecosystem of knowledge, skills, and collaboration - and trust.