Training of Teachers

Applewood Permaculture Centre, UK, June 11-20

At Applewood we have begun to put together the programme for this year’s Training of Teachers in June. A few places are still places available, so have a look at our website and book your place now!
We use methods for building confidence of the participants throughout, and you will get many opportunities to practice your teaching and facilitation skills and learn through doing. You will give two micro-teach session to put into practice what you have learned, and be able to learn from observing others do the same. The course is fun, lively, interactive and creative. It is fun and inspiring to spend time with a group of dedicated permaculturists who all bring different passions and skills related to permaculture. As one former participant put it, the course is "challenging but empowering. It gave me the courage to be the teacher I know I am.“
For bookings and more information:Training of Teachers 2019 – Applewood Courses