For the first time in Austria:
Advanced training course for all PDC-holders, who want to teach Permaculture
with Rosemary Morrow / AustraliaThe Training of Teachers has a long tradition in Permaculture education.Rosemary Morrow, one of the most important Permaculture teachers of Australia, is teaching in her home country and worldwide. She has brought the knowledge of Permaculture to the most outlaying regions of Third World Countries with a lot of caution and empathy for the circumstances and mentalities of their people.
She is the author of: EARTH USER'S GUIDE PERMACULTUREShe will use part of her fee for teaching Permaculture in Afghanistan to people who otherwise could not afford a training course.
Which qualifications are needed for this course?
You need to have a full PDC.
English/German. Rosemary Morrow will teach in English, everything will be translated into German. So the course is suitable for English speaking participants as well as for those who speak German only.
Course contents
- Introductions, hopes and experience
- Teaching the PDC and short courses
- Teaching methods – lectures, workshop, groups, etc.
- Who are your learners – what do they want?
- Psychology of adult learners
- Principles of adult learning
- Learning targets
- Teaching tools, references, models
- What makes a good teacher?
- Teacher behaviour
- Assessments of class and teacher
- Visual tools – materials, etc.
- Microteaching
- What are our desired outcomes?
- PDC course structure
- Learners with special needs, prisoners, ethnic minorities
- Review and questions

Seminar room in
Therapiegartenzentrum / Garten der VielfaltA 8510 Stainz, Styria, Austria,
www.therapiegarten.atDirections will be provided upon registration. We can pick you up at the station if you come by train.
Start and end
From Friday, 8th July, 16:00 until Thursday, 14th July, 16:00
Regional, seasonal, and vegetarian food from controlled ecological farms will be provided.
Costs per meal: Euro 9.-
Organic snacks and drinks will be offered for net cost price.
There will be different options at different price levels:
We can help you to find a room in a hotel, in a guesthouse (BB) or in a holiday home.
You can stay in a shared room at the seminar spot for EURO 9 per night. You need to bring your own sheets and a sleeping bag and you will have a mattress. You can prepare your breakfast in the kitchen. Ecological food for breakfast is included. The place is limited to 9 persons only.
Camping is possible if you have your own tent/camper with you. You pay Euro 3 per night. You take care for your own breakfast.
Course Fee
Without food and accommodation: Euro 390.-
Please bring with you
Indoor and outdoor clothes for sunny, rainy, and windy weather, sun-protection, insect-protection, walking boots, pen and paper, slippers or socks, musical instruments, and pruning shears if you have any.
Offers for accompanying persons and children
For accompanying persons and children we offer special activities for a small expense contribution: Hiking in the wine-growing region; walks in the wood; gardening with vegetables, herbs, flowers, seeds; nature experience.
Evening programme
In the evenings, there will be practical sessions and discussions for the participants as well as tours for everybody.
Registration is open until May 20th 2011 - permakultur-akademie [at] hotmail [dot] com (permakultur-akademie[at]hotmail[dot]com)
Registration will close on May 20th 2011 – the number of participants is limited!
Please register with your full address. (You will find a registration form at the end of this document.)
After sending the registration form you will get a confirmation that you are registered. We trust in you that you will send us the money by May 20th 2011.
Not later than on May 31st you will get a confirmation that the course will be held.
If we do not have enough registrations you will get back the whole amount.
If you have to cancel your registration, please do so before May 20th.
Otherwise you need to pay the whole course fee – unless you find a substitute.
PIA, Permakultur-Akademie im AlpenraumTel. 0043-650-212 75 22
permakultur-akademie [at] hotmail [dot] com (permakultur-akademie[at]hotmail[dot]com)www.permakultur-akademie.comIf you have questions, please contact
Marlies Ortner or
Margreth HolzerPIA, the Permaculture Academy in the Alpine Regions is part of the non profit association “Austrian Institute for applied Ecopedagogic and Permaculture education” and it has no funds. K. Forster, E. Hofer, M. Holzer, C. Nimmerfall, J. Ortner, M. Ortner, M. Rusch and A. Torggler are working as council members and as directory on a voluntary basis.The costs for the courses are minimum prices, they do not cover all our costs even though the fees of the teachers are quite low. So if you are able to pay a little more or if you would like to give a donation – we are happy to take it.Registration Form PC-Teachers' Training R. MorrowPC-Teachers' Training Course Information