I would like to mention a few events from the Czech permaculture scene. There are some new publications, courses, and PDCs, but I will only mention events that have some international overlap.
We are lucky to have Tomas Remiarz, a very experienced British permaculture teacher, lecturing and teaching in Prague these days. He had a public talk and discussion about forest gardens in the urban landscape at the Czech University of Agriculture on Tuesday 5.11. It´s followed by the advanced design course - Changing the urban landscape with forest gardens, that takes part until Sunday 10.11.
Tomas also participated in our annual permaculture conference, held in Prague on the weekend of 1.11. - 3.11. This year´s topic was edible forests and fruit in general. There were presentations about forest gardens, extensive fruit production, heirloom varieties, choosing the right varieties with climate change in mind, agroforestry and so on.
A group of 6 Czech delegates participated in the tour to the centers in LAND (permaculture centers), GEN (ecovillages) and WWOOF (volunteers on organic farms) networks in Hungary and Slovakia. It was organized as a project within the Visegrad and beyond Permaculture Partnership, a partnership between Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Polish, and Ukrainian permaculture movements. There were about 25 participants from all 5 countries.
In Hungary, we visited Valaha Tanya permaculture farm focusing on fruit preserves, BioSphere - a CSA with sea buckthorn production and Biofalu in Máriahalom - a kind of one-man-ecovillage full of beautiful natural buildings with a retreat eco-center. He is looking for families to move in:-). In Biofalu we also had a networking festival.
In Slovakia, we went to Lovinka - booming eco-community with a spacious event center, Lavender farm Statok na výšinách - family enterprise based on a project made during a PDC and Sosna - Slovakia´s oldest educational eco-center featuring some amazing examples of eco-living solutions.
There are videos from the tour and presentations about each country´s GEN, LAND and WWOOF networks available upon request, just contact me at co2neutralfarm [at] gmail [dot] com (co2neutralfarm[at]gmail[dot]com) .