Host chosen for EUPC 2018

News from the EUPC-EUPN working group

The working group ‘EUPC’ was formed at the EUPC in Bolsena 2016 with the domain to design and implement the process for the decision on the future host of the bi-annual gathering of the European Permaculture Network (EUPC). A group of former council members and new people have met regularly since and together created a new version of the application form plus additional questions and pattern for interviews with the applicants. We now want to give thanks to the three organizations who stepped up and were willing to host the next EUPC, which we all know is a big task! For 2018 there were applications from organizations in the Netherlands, France and Ireland. Based on the criteria collected within the working group the new host was chosen. The EUPC 2018 will be held in:Ireland from 8th to 13th August 2018 in Wicklow, the host is the “All Ireland Permaculture Gathering/Team”One aspect of the decision was the geographic and climatic setting, wanting to give accessibility to people in the north, after the last two EUPC having been held in the south of Europe. The organization appling has experience with hosting big events. The application form provided clear information and sketched their plan for 2018. The communication during the process was active and quick. The information on the application process in general (like the application form, list of criteria etc.) will be provided on the website soon. EUPC-EUPN-Working group: Margreth, Monika, Pavlo, Petra, Valerie Contact address:  eupn-eupc [at] googlegroups [dot] com (eupn-eupc[at]googlegroups[dot]com)Image removed.And here is an appetizer from Ireland for EUPC 18 An Oige, Knockree hostel and camping site will be our venue for EUPC 18 where the team from all over the Island of Ireland is getting ready to extend a very warm welcome to Permi's from all over Europe.  High in the stunning Wicklow Hills on a renowned walking route called the Wicklow Way, it is possible to walk to the site in a few hours from Dublin City Centre. It's also on a regular Dublin Bus route to facilitate as car free an event as possible. Our strong traditions of story, music and friendly folk will make this an event to remember. We will weave it all together to contribute to the new permaculture story sharing and deepening our practice together. There will be a selection of accommodation options and lots of amazing local food some grown on site especially for the EUPC 18. Suzie Cahn Team coordinator/convener for EUPC 18 Wicklow, Ireland