The European Permaculture Convergence (abrv. EuPC) is a bi-annual gathering of Permaculture practitioners, teachers and enthusiasts representing the all countries and bioregions of the European continent and beyond. The decision to host the EuPC 2014 in Bulgaria was made following a meeting of the European Permaculture Teacher’s Partnership (EPT) in Vale de Llama, Portugal. The Partnership was a EU-funded initiative that brought together educators within this emerging field to set standards for the implementation of Permaculture education throughout the continent. It included representatives from more than a dozen countries. The first meeting of the EPT was held immediately after the EuPC 2012, which took place in Escherode, Germany. Since the project was part of a two-year funding cycle, it only made sense that that the final meeting should be held right before the EuPC 2014. Leading up to the decision, both the EPT and the Permaculture Council of Europe realized that the event had never been held in an Eastern European country, so the decision for it to take place in Bulgaria was rather obvious.[gallery columns="4" ids="944,945,946,947,948,949,950,951,952,953,954,955" orderby="rand"]