Account creation
You can create an account at any time. Make sure that the link you provide us shows that you are affiliated with permaculture.
The registration process is a process:
- You have to register. When your registration was successful you will receive an email with the subject "Registration confirmation (Pending approval)".
- At the EuPN we check your provided link
- Once your account has granted access you receive another email with the subject "Account activation"
From that point on you can login in and add content.
Please make sure that you have added no-reply [at] to your e-mail whitelist.
I'd like to get an account but I'm not affiliated with Permaculture
Sorry, but the link you provide should show that you are affiliated with permaculture or regenerative agriculture, gardening, ,etc .
I'm outside of Europe and I want an account
Sorry this website is at the moment about permaculture in Europe.
I have lost my password
Go to and enter your username or e-mail address.
Content creation
How can I publish an event / course / workshop?
You first need to get an account. Then you can add an event
How can I publish an event / course / workshop without an account?
Use our form and submit your event. It will take some time to process.
How can I add my place / project?
Problems during content creation
After adding my place there is noting on the map
When you save your project and you get the error message: "Unable to geocode ...." you have an error in your address field. Reopen the content via "edit" and see if there are typos. If you can find your place on Google maps or other maps it should be able to narrow down the error.
Community forum
How can I log into the community forum?
You first need an account on this site - the main site. Once your account is active you can go to the community forum and login. Upon login you will be redirected to the main site If you are logged in at the main site you will the be logged into the community forum. If you are not logged into the main site you first have to login.
You first need to get an account. Then you can add your place