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Northern Roots Forum 2024

🌾 Join the Regenerative Agriculture Revolution! 🌍

Discover the future of farming at the Northern Roots Forum. We're on a mission to transform agriculture in the Nordic and Baltic regions.

Northern Roots provides a forum for farmers and those interested in food production and the environment to learn about the theory and practice of agroecology or regenerative systems. Come and learn about making better informed decisions to increase the health of your lands and your farm as a business.

Are you interested in topics such as no-tillage, cover crops, soil biology, re-introducing livestock into arable systems, and reducing costs? Northern Roots covers a broad spectrum of topics relevant to conventional, organic, arable, livestock, landowners, or tenant farmers.

The Northern Roots Forum is a two-day event hosting talks, forums and discussion led by pioneering international soil health experts, experienced farmers, and agronomists. For the first time in the Baltic region, the forum brings together leading experts from the USA and around the world, introducing global pioneers including Ray Archuleta (USA), Rick Clark (USA), Steve Kenyon (CAN), Ben Taylor-Davies (UK), Ed Brown (UK) and many more.

📅 Save the Date: January 24-25, 2024
🔗 Register and Learn More:

Let's cultivate a sustainable, prosperous future for agriculture, together! 🌱🚜
in Estonian

Põllumajandus on üks olulisemaid sektoreid, mis mõjutab meie kliima, keskkonna ja kogukondade tervist.

Northern Roots Foorumi eesmärk on edendada uue põlvkonna põllumajanduse levikut Balti- ja Põhjamaades. Loodame algatada teadmistevahetust ja soodustada konstruktiivseid arutelusid nii väiksemates fookusgruppides kui ka riiklikul tasandil.

Foorumi sisu keskendub mulla, taimede, loomade ja ökosüsteemide tervise seostele (agroökoloogia, taastavad praktikad, ringmajandus ja keskkonna taaselustamine). Foorumil esinevad valdkonna juhtivad eksperdid nii USA-st kui mujalt maailmast. Peaesinejatena astuvad üles Ray Archuleta (USA), Rick Clark (USA), Steve Kenyon (CAN), Ben Taylor-Davies (UK), Ed Brown (UK) jpt. Nad jagavad meiega oma kahekümne aasta pikkust taastava põllumajanduse kogemust. 🌱🚜

Foorumile on oodatud osalema Balti- ja Põhjamaade põllumehed, põllumajandustööstust toetavad ettevõtted, teadlased, valitsusasutused, ametnikud ja valdkonna ühingud.
