
Resurrecting - translator volunteers needed

The website was created years back during the European Permaculture Teachers’ Partnership (short: ‘EPT’, European PC Teachers). While the software has been updated over the years the content hasn't. 

The aim is to bring the system onto a multi-lingual platform and allow teachers that are with the EuPN to add new content. Access to the new site will be given via the EuPN website.

Introducing Teacher Profiles at the EuPN: Connect, Share, and Learn!

Teacher Profiles at the EuPN
Teacher Profiles at the EuPN

Over some month we have been testing a new feature which we are happy to announce today: Teacher Profiles! This addition aims to foster connections, encourage collaboration, and promote the sharing of knowledge among our members.

As a permaculture educator or aspiring teacher, you can now create your teacher profile at the EuPN, showcasing your experience, skills, and education background. This feature allows you to:

Explore Permaculture Events in Europe with Our Upgraded Events List and Interactive Map

We are excited to announce an upgrade to our events list on the European Permaculture Network website! Now, you can filter the events by date to find exactly what you're looking for, and we've even included a map so you can see all of the permaculture events, workshops, and lectures happening across Europe at a glance.

Building a more sustainable future: European Permaculture Map welcomes new projects and enthusiasts across the continent

European Permaculture Projects
European Permaculture Projects

Over the last two months, more than 40 people have registered permaculture projects on the European Permaculture Map, highlighting the growing interest and engagement in sustainable living practices across Europe. This is a significant achievement and one worth celebrating, as it shows that people are actively seeking out opportunities to learn, connect, and share knowledge and resources within the permaculture community.